The EDC Stage 1. -

Remember when you were a kid, you'd leave the house in the morning with nothing in your pockets and that was just fine....

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Then you got older and you'd take some money with you, then you got your first front door key, then a wallet, then you got your first car and you'd take those keys with you as well. Then before you knew it you had your Every Day Carry. The usuals like keys wallet phone etc and if your of a mind, a few items for the just in case.

My EDC kit comes in 3 stages;

Stage 1. That which is always with me
Stage 2. That which I always need
Stage 3. Optional items and carry options

Here I will talk about Stage 1. Starting with the EDC Item list:
  1. 550 ParaCord cobra weave bracelet
  2. Cadet Swiss Army knife
  3. Key Chain inc an Exotac nanoSTRIKER
  4. PRO TREK watch
But why these items?
When we were growing up in the countryside, dad used to say that if we carried a pocket knife, some string and some matches with us, what ever happened these basic bits "n" pieces would be helpful. Basically; cut a stick, tie together, make a shelter, light a fire and we used to practise this with varying degrees of success and sophistication. There are no photos of our over night shelters or our camp fires but we were always glad it didn't rain and that it was summer.

So these basics make up the hub of my kit.


1. String
When I was a child sting would have been rolled up as neat as possible and stuck in a pocket or maybe hung from my belt but now I carry it in the form of a cobra weave bracelet. Why cobra weave? That's the name of the knot I've chosen to make it but what it is made of is key. 9ft of 550 military spec [mil-spec] para cord. This cord has a breaking strain of 550lbs. and can be unraveled to expose its core, which is made up of 7 strands all of which are strong enough to be very useful. There are many posts and videos online to show you how to make your own bracelet so I won't go into that here but I have chosen to use a stainless steel buckle as I have melted the plastic version so much so that I had to hacksaw it of my wrist! So stainless steel is good for me even if it is a bit bling.

2. The pocket knife
Through my life pocket knifes have come and gone and the Swiss Army Cadet is a relative new comer for me. So far I've  had two of them,! the first being confiscated at Hong Kong airport. Stupid of me to still have it in my pocket! In my defence I intend to put it in my luggage for check-in but like a turd completely forgot. The Cadet is a great little knife for every day, mostly urban use. Friends do find it amusing that I carry it, it's not really the done thing in the UK, never-the-less, I have been asked to borrow it more then once. My life style is more urban these days so the pocket knife is more likely to tighten a screw, pop open a bottle or open a packet of biscuits than whittle a stick but useful on an every day basis.

3. Fire
This is in the form of an Exotic nanoSTRIKER. I love this piece of kit, the attention to detail of its design and construction brings a tear to the eye. I think it's ideal for an every-day-carry-forget-until-you-need-a-fire-starting-solution. No moving parts, no gas or fluids to think about and top up. This gadget does require a little experience and practice to get the best out of it but I kind of like that.

4. Watch or is it a compass?
They say that "Time tide and buttered eggs wait for no one" that being the case we all understand the importance of keeping track of time. My watch is a Casio ProTrek which includes a compass and a pretty good one. We had nothing like this when we were kids so I guess that's why I have it now. It still works fine but it's 10 years old now and is to be upgraded soon. As well as a compass this trusty old timer also has a barometer, thermometer, altimeter as well as the usual time anywhere in the world and stop watch functions. Most importantly it's really touch and water proof!


Small, neat, light, unobtrusive, it easily blends with my everyday life, therefor easy to carry and always remembered. This kit is always, always, always with me. When I step out the door to walk the dog or run a quick errand, I know without thinking that it's with me.

This is my EDC stage 1. My always with me basics, the core.

In Stage 2. I shall be considering smart phones, wallets and spectacle cases. To follow shortly : )


I've included links to GEAR featured so you can find out more or even purchase. In some cases items have been upgraded or discontinued so I have linked to equivalents, I hope that's OK.


Cadet Swiss Army knife
Key Chain inc an Exotac nanoSTRIKER
PRO TREK watch



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